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Andy Stanley is a false teacher – Part II

How should Christians respond to Andy Stanley and other false teachers?

Before we begin Part II, the manner in which this writer and others are publicly and forcefully challenging Andy Stanley and his false teachings should be examined. Many Christians disagree with these actions and quickly quote Matthew 18:15-17 as the proper biblical way by which Christians ought to deal with such presumed errors.

If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that “every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. [Matthew 18:15-17. NIV]

Matthew never meant these verses to be used in addressing and dealing with false teachers. First, these verses deal with fellow disciples (brothers and sisters in Christ). Second, these verses deal with personal offences, grievances, or misunderstandings between two Christians. Neither applies when dealing with false teachers.

False teachers are not brothers and sisters in Christ but wolves in sheep’s clothing, and the Bible is plain as to how these people are to be dealt with. The above verses are about personal disputes between two Christians, but false teachers attack the very Word of God with their teachings in the same way Satan deceived Eve in the Garden. The following verses should be applied when confronting false teachers.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! [Galatians 1:8. NIV]

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. [Ephesians 5:11. NIV]

If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work. [2 John 1:10-11. NIV]

Jesus and His disciples dealt with heretics immediately, publicly, and severely. To do otherwise is to compromise the Word and accommodate the heretic and his teachings. Many in the modern evangelical church tolerate these false teachers and their work because they fly the flag of a false ecumenicalism. Therefore, false teachers are often accommodated and allowed to remain in the church.

Irresistible – Andy Stanley’s new covenant teachings[1]

Stanley spends the first thirteen chapters of his book denigrating the Old Testament and unhitching it from the New Testament.

Careless mixing and matching of old and new covenant values and imperatives make the current version of our faith unnecessarily resistible. This is why I insist that most of what makes us resistible are thing we should have been resisting all along. [p. 95] [emphasis in original]

According to Stanley, the rules and regulations (the Law and the Prophets) in the Old Testament are the things Christians must resist in order to make way for the irresistible Jesus of the New Testament. But Stanley also finds much in the New Testament that he thinks should be resisted.

He spends the last eleven chapters introducing “a new guiding ethical framework for the new covenant of Christ which has a new commandment that forms the new ethical framework for new covenant people. A framework that is far less complicated, but far more demanding.” [p. 170] [emphasis in original] Again, Stanley believes that those resistible parts of the Old Testament ways of doing things that have crept into the New Testament must be eliminated or at the least ignored.

Participants in the new covenant are not required to obey most of the commandments found in the first half of their Bibles (i.e., the Old Testament). Participants in the new covenant (i.e., the New Testament) are expected to obey the single command Jesus issued as part of his new covenant. Namely: As I have loved you, so you must love one another. [p. 196] [emphasis added]

Conspicuously absent from Jesus’ new-command instructions was an overt reference to his divine right to require such allegiance and obedience. [p. 198] [emphasis added]

Paraphrasing the words of another famous Church Growth movement leader,[2] Stanley is cutting the sinner some slack in the NT when it comes to that OT thing called sin. Stanley admits that Paul’s letters were often packed with exceedingly precise instructions as to how Christians should conduct themselves inside and outside the body of Christ, i.e., the Church. But according to Stanley, Paul explains away the importance of those instructions when writing to the Corinthian church. Paul supposedly admitted “that one of his applications is completely his idea. He goes out of his way to ensure nobody gives Jesus credit for what is his unique contribution.” [pp. 201-202] But Stanley’s interpretation is astounding when one considers the implications for the inerrancy of God’s Word. It would mean that Paul’s words in the NT have less standing than Christ’s words and needn’t be thought as constraining on the lifestyles of the Corinthians. Put another way, if the words of the NT are printed in red, they have greater authority and supposedly are more inspired than the words printed in black, especially if those words in black sound too much like those Old Testament “Thou shalt” and “thou shalt nots.”

Stanley’s justification of love over truth

Stanley justifies his teachings about the New Testament by calling Christians to a “horizontal morality” as opposed to the traditional “vertical morality.”

In the stream of Christianity I grew up in, sin avoidance was pretty much our guiding light…The whole thing was vertical. I was far more concerned about how my behavior affected my standing with God than I was about how my behavior affected anybody else. After all, the Bible says pleasing God is more important than pleasing people. [pp. 173-174]

At this point Stanley with a deft interpretational sleight of hand transforms the Old Testament vertical morality to a New Testament horizontal morality. He begins with Jesus’ discourse with the Pharisee regarding the greatest commandment.

One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” [Matthew 22:35-40. NIV]

Stanley explains that the second commandment was not subordinate to the first but merely second in sequence. He says that for first century Jews loving God meant obeying his commands, but in the new covenant, loving Jesus is loving your neighbor. He has essentially shifted vertical morality to horizontal morality. [pp. 182-183] However, in doing so, Stanley sweeps aside many of the moral attributes of God.

We get a better insight into the meaning of Stanley’s substitution of horizontal morality for vertical morality by understanding that morality is more than a list of do’s and don’ts. A few synonyms are helpful in understanding the meaning of morality: principles, standards, goodness, decency, honesty, integrity, virtue, and perhaps most important, godliness or godlikeness. Has Stanley’s shift from vertical morality to horizontal morality redefined the meaning of morality itself? In a word, yes. Quoting Stanley, “Jesus issued his new commandment as a replacement for everything in the existing list. Including the Big Ten. Just as his new covenant fulfilled and replaced the old covenant, Jesus’ new commandment fulfills and replaces the old commandments.” [p. 196] [emphasis in original]

Essentially, Stanley is saying that those Old Testament definitions of morality that reflect the nature of God are no longer valid and therefore God must have changed. However, James tells us that God is unchangeable with regard to His attributes, His perfection, or His purpose for humankind. “ Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” [James 1:17. NIV] [emphasis added]

To summarize, Stanley’s New Testament theology places love above truth and virtually everything else in the New Testament. To prove his point Stanley quotes 1 John 2:10 but let’s also include the preceding verse.

Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. [1 John 2:9-10. NIV]

Based on this verse Stanley says, “That is remarkable. According to John, who got it straight from Jesus, if we love well, all is well. Period. That’s it. Love well and you’re in the light.” [p. 227] But Stanley’s “Period” is misplaced. It dismisses or ignores verses 15 through17 which commands his disciples to not love the world.

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. [1 John 2:15-17. NIV] [emphasis added]

A complete reading of the 1 John 2 refutes Stanley’s statement that if Christians love well, all is well. The remaining verses of 1 John 2 show that other requirements (i.e., not loving the world) must be met in order to be in the light. Even though Christians love well, if they love the world the Father is not in them, they are not in the light, and all is not well. Once again Andy Stanley is revealed as being a false teacher.

Stanley’s gospel of cheap grace

Stanley’s dismisses vertical morality, but also substantially dismisses horizontal morality except for a Christian loving others well. Recall the excerpt from Stanley’s book quoted in Part I: “The new covenant would fulfill and replace the behavioral, sacrifice-based systems reflected in just about every religion of the ancient world. His new command would serve as the governing behavioral ethic for members of his new movement.” [p. 24] [emphasis added]

What is this new behavioral ethic? Stanley wrote that “Participants in the new covenant are expected to obey the single command Jesus issued as part of his new covenant. Namely: As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” [p. 196] [emphasis in original] Stanley is saying that love is of sole importance, but this essentially sweeps away all other behavioral admonishments found in both the OT and NT and replaces them with “if we love well, all is well. Period.” When one reads Stanley’s book from cover to cover, it is plain to see that his new covenant model is not new but merely the latest and most virulent mutation of cheap grace that substantially eliminates all of the “behavioral” commandments found in the New Testament.

In America many evangelical churches have become apostate by abandoning any pretense of adherence to the gospel message. Biblical truths are twisted, mocked, or dismissed altogether. Others champion a social gospel or preach a gospel of health, wealth, happiness, harmony, and cheap grace in place of the cross and death to self. Eighty years ago, Bonhoeffer described “cheap grace.”

Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our Church…In such a Church the world finds a cheap covering for its sins; no contrition is required, still less any real desire to be delivered from sin…Cheap grace means the justification of sin without the justification of the sinner…Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.[3]

Anyone who turns from his sinful way at the word of proclamation and repents, receives forgiveness. Anyone who perseveres in his sin receives judgment. The church cannot loose the penitent from sin without arresting and binding the impenitent in sin…For its own sake, for the sake of the sinner, and for the sake of the community, the Holy is to be protected from cheap surrender. The Gospel is protected by the preaching of repentance which calls sin sin and declares the sinner guilty…The preaching of grace can only be protected by the preaching of repentance.[4]

Cheap grace is the end product of preaching the world’s definition of nonjudgmental love which attempts to redefine, hide, or deny sin but does not eradicate it. Rather, it makes a mockery of Christ’s death on the cross to purchase forgiveness for mankind’s sin. Cheap grace makes the shedding of Christ’s blood at Calvary irrelevant for man’s redemption.

The preaching of nonjudgmental love occurs because the world’s definitions of love and tolerance have invaded the church and compromised the gospel message. As a result, the message of many churches is that God’s nonjudgmental love is so vast that he will overlook sin for a season if not altogether ignore it if one will only acknowledge Him. The new definitions of love and tolerance require unconditional acceptance of the sinner and is presumed superior to the biblical approach that requires repentance and turning from sin.[5]

But the world’s definitions of love and tolerance are contrary to the very nature of God because he cannot tolerate sin. God is both loving and just, and if His love is conformed to the world’s definition of nonjudgmental love and tolerance, then he is cannot be both loving and just.

In this article the writer has attempted to expose Andy Stanley’s false teaching. If what has been written is correct, then Christians must follow Paul’s command written to the Ephesians and have nothing to do with his “fruitless deeds of darkness.” [Ephesians 5:11. NIV]

Larry G. Johnson


[1] All page numbers in this article refer to Andy Stanley’s book: Andy Stanley, Irresistible – Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2018).
[2] Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Church, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1995), p. 216.
[3] Erwin W. Lutzer, When a Nation Forgets God, (Chicago, Illinois: Moody Publishers, 2010), pp. 117- 118.
[4] Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2010), pp. 292-293.
[5] Larry G. Johnson, “Strange Fire – The Church’s quest for cultural relevance – Part IV,” January 9, 2015,

Andy Stanley is a false teacher – Part I

Who is Andy Stanley?

Andy Stanley is the east coast representative of the American Church Growth trifecta whose other two representatives are Rick Warren (Saddleback Church on the west coast) and Bill Hybels (Willow Creek Church in the central U.S. until his recent forced retirement). Stanley’s personal website outlines his background and extensive influence on the American church and culture at large.

Communicator, author, and pastor, Andy Stanley founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries in 1995. Today, NPM is comprised of six churches in the Atlanta area and a network of more than 70 churches around the globe that collectively serve nearly 118,000 people weekly. A survey of U.S. pastors in Outreach Magazine identified Andy Stanley as one of the top 10 most influential living pastors in America.

In the digital world, his success reaches well beyond the Atlanta area. Over 1.8 million of his messages, leadership videos, and podcasts are accessed from North Point’s website monthly.

In 2012, Your Move with Andy Stanley premiered on NBC after Saturday Night Live and on CBS after The Late, Late Show with James Corden in 2017, giving him an even wider audience with which to share his culturally relevant, practical insights for life and leadership. Currently, over seven million episodes are consumed each month through television and podcasts, underscoring his impact not only as a communicator but also as an influencer of culture.[1]

If the title of this article is correct, then he also qualifies as one of the top ten false teachers in America.

Irresistible – Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World[2]

In September 2018 Stanley published the above titled book. It is the culmination of his Church Growth, seeker-friendly journey that has led him and millions of Americans to the door of the post-modern apostate emergent church. The response to Stanley’s book has been swift from both his defenders and those that who recognize the heresy in his teachings. Two admirers of his book among others described their favorable impressions of Irresistible on the flyleaf endorsements at the beginning of the book.

John Maxwell – Writer, speaker and author of The 360 Degree Leader.

This book challenged me to rethink my thoughts about the Old Testament, discuss with fellow believers what I was learning, do more connecting and less correcting of others, and be salt and light, making things better and brighter. I love how Andy loves people…ALL of them.[3]

In Irresistible, Maxwell appears to have mistaken Stanley’s salt-free and light (i.e., lightweight) brand of Christianity for the real salt and light that Christians must be to the world.

Kara Powell, PhD. – Executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute and coauthor of Growing Young.

More than any other book I’ve read in years, Irresistible has stretched my view of Scripture. I can’t hear or read a passage from the Old or New Testaments without thinking about Andy’s provocative insights. If you and I take this book seriously, our lives and our churches will never be the same.[4]

I agree with Dr. Powell’s assessment that if people take this book seriously, the lives of Christians and their churches will never be the same…but not in the good way she meant.

It is difficult to respond to every error written and promoted in the 334 pages of Stanley’s book, but in this response to Stanley’s aberrant theology an attempt will be made to fairly present the essence of Stanley’s teachings by using his own words. This will be followed by a refutation of his false teachings through reliance on God’s inerrant Word and other scholarly resources.

Stanley relegates the Old Testament to being old wine-skins of Judaism and paganism

The following are excerpts from Stanley’s book:

Churches gravitate toward the people who are already there. From day one I’ve insisted that reaching people far from God is more important than keeping folks who have already crossed the line of faith. [p. 9]

Jesus stepped into history to introduce something new. He didn’t come to Jerusalem offering a new version or an update to an existing thing. He didn’t come to make something better. Jesus was sent by the Father to introduce something entirely new. [p. 20] [emphasis in original]

Jesus was new wine. Judaism and paganism were old wine-skins. The new Jesus offered was a departure from the traditions of both…Specifically, Jesus came to establish a new covenant, a new command and a new movement. His new movement would be international. The new covenant would fulfill and replace the behavioral, sacrifice-based systems reflected in just about every religion of the ancient world. His new command would serve as the governing behavioral ethic for members of his new movement. [pp. 23-24] [emphasis in original] [Note the word “behavioral” mentioned twice in this quotation. Its importance will become evident in Part II.]

…we find the people of Israel camping at the foot of Mount Sinai watching Moses descend with God’s instructions for the nation. We call it the Ten Commandments. But before it was over, it was more like the 600 commandments. Those famous first ten functioned a bit like the table of contents–the Cliff Notes version. [p. 29] [emphasis in original]

Careless mixing and matching of old and new covenant values and imperatives make the current version of our faith unnecessarily resistible. This is why I insist that most of what makes us resistible are things we should have been resisting all along…While Jesus was foreshadowed in the old covenant, he did not come to extend it. He came to fulfill it, put a bow on it, and establish something new. [pp. 95-96]

According to Paul (referring to Romans 7:4), Jesus followers are dead to the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments have no authority over you. None. To be clear: Thou shalt not obey the Ten Commandments. If that makes you uncomfortable, it’s because you have unwittingly embraced the version of Christianity the Jerusalem Council declared unnecessary—the version Paul spent his ministry warning against. You are attempting to straddle two incompatible covenants…The Ten Commandments didn’t even offer to rent you, much less buy you. The Ten Commandments never lifted a finger to help you. Worse, the Ten Commandments sat back and waited for you to screw up. And when you did, they finally spoke up not to defend you but to condemn you. [p.136] [emphasis added]

Last I Googled, there were 929 chapters in our English Old Testament. Abraham shows up in chapter eleven and the rest is history—Jewish history. The Old Testament is not a comprehensive book about God. The Old Testament does not tell us everything God was doing everywhere in the world. It’s not a biography of God’s early years. The Jewish Scriptures describe God’s activity in connection to one particular people group. [pp. 160-161]

The Old Testament is great for inspiration but not application. Don‘t do anything the Old Testament tells you to do because someone in the Old Testament tells you to do it or because they did it themselves. [pp. 166-167]

…I’m not sitting around and praying for revival either. I grew up in the pray for revival culture. It’s often a cover for an unwillingness to put the low rungs back on the ladder. Instead of doing what needs to be done, the revival crowd prays for God to do what he’s already done. First-century Christians prayed for boldness, not revival. [p.275] [emphasis in original] [5]

These quotations exemplify Stanley’s total rejection of the Old Testament’s importance in knowing God. However, the grand meta-narrative of the Bible encompasses the creation of the universe and all therein, the Fall, and the means of man’s redemption. Stanley’s blithe dismissal of the Old Testament eviscerates much of God’s revelation to mankind by rejection of the creation story and the fall of mankind as being immaterial to redemption and the faith walk of Christians. Stanley may believe he has effectively placed the Old Testament into a religious dumpster along with paganism and other ancient religions, but Isaiah wrote the real end of the story, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” [Isaiah 40:8. NIV]

J. I. Packer asked a question and then answered it with regard to the purpose of mankind: “What were we made for? To know God.”[6] John the Apostle gives the answer as to “why” knowing God is the most important quest of one’s life. “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” [John 17:3. KJV] It is through both the Old and New Testaments and the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men that we can know God.

In rebutting Stanley’s false teaching we turn to Paul’s second letter to Timothy.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. [2 Timothy 3:14-17. NIV] [emphasis added]

In his commentary, Donald Stamps states that 2 Timothy 2:15 refers primarily to the Old Testament but at that same time there were some New Testament writings that were viewed as inspired by which is meant that those writings were given directly by God to people through inspiration by the Holy Spirit.[7]

For us today, Scripture refers to the authoritative (i.e., completely reliable, supported by solid evidence and established authority) writings of both the OT and NT (i.e., “the Bible”). They are God’s original message to humanity and the only infallible (i.e. incapable of mistake, never wrong, completely true and certain not to fail in its teaching) revelation of himself and his saving activity for all people.[8]

Stanley attempts to divert the meaning of these plain-spoken words by saying that Paul used the Jewish Scriptures to teach, rebuke, correct, and train but that he “never sets his application ball on an old covenant tee. When it comes to how believers are to live, he was quick to point to Jesus as the standard.” [p. 168] However, Stanley’s argument makes no sense. Why teach something if it is not applicable to one’s life, either as a warning to refrain/avoid or an encouragement to imitate? Why would Paul use the Old Testament as a means to teach, rebuke, correct, and train if it was not to be applied to the Christian’s life in light of the redeeming work of Christ on the cross? The only credible answer is that Paul wouldn’t.

But it gets worse. Recall Stanley’s words from above. “The Ten Commandments have no authority over you. None. To be clear: Thou shalt not obey the Ten Commandments.” [p. 136] If Stanley’s teaching is true, we must ask two obvious questions. When did the once inspired Old Testament become uninspired? When did truth become untruth?

Exodus 20:1 says that “God spoke all these words” which were followed by God’s spoken delivery of the Ten Commandments over the next sixteen verses. God not only spoke the Ten Commandments recorded in Exodus, Deuteronomy 5:6-20 repeats what God said and then follows in verse 21 by stating that He also wrote them on two stone tablets which He then gave to Moses. Did God change His mind and no longer consider the Ten Commandments a reflection of His divine character after Christ’s death on the cross, burial, and resurrection?

Stanley cannot deny that his teaching say that the revelation of God in the Old Testament is no longer God’s inspired Word and that it somehow had become dis-inspired, relegated to being called the “Jewish Scriptures,” and placed on a level with paganism? This is blatant false teaching of the highest magnitude and fails on a number of levels. Donald Stamps explains why Stanley’s teaching about the Old Testament is false.

• In both the Old and New Testaments, keeping God’s commands was a matter of trusting him, taking him as his word and loving him…

• The law emphasized the eternal truth that obeying God out of love results in a fulfilling life with blessing from the Lord.

• The law expressed God’s character, including his love, goodness, justice, and hatred of evil…

• Salvation in the OT was never based on the ability to keep all the commandments perfectly. That is why part of God’s relationship with Israel involved a system of sacrifices that provided a means of forgiveness for those who broke the law but sincerely repented and trusted God to have mercy on them.

• The law and covenant of the Old Testament were not complete in themselves or intended to be permanent. Rather, the old law temporarily guided and protected God’s people until Christ came and the old covenant was fulfilled by the new covenant. Through this new “agreement,” God has fully revealed his plan of salvation—to rescue people from the ultimate destruction of sin and restore them to a personal relationship with himself. This does not mean that the moral principles of the law are no longer necessary or important for us today. God’s standards of moral purity and truth still apply, and God’s Spirit now helps us live by these standards in a way we never could have done without him. Under the new covenant, God promised to put his laws in his people’s minds and hearts…[9] [emphasis added]

Not only does Stanley reject the relevance of the Old Testament to New Testament Christianity, his teaching of the New Testament is fundamentally-flawed because it follows the Church Growth, seeker-friendly model of Christianity which will be examined in Part II.

Larry G. Johnson


[1] “Communicator, Author, and Pastor,” Andy Stanley. (accessed November 13, 2018).
[2] All page numbers in this article refer to Andy Stanley’s book: Andy Stanley, Irresistible – Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2018).
[3] Ibid., flyleaf endorsements.
[4] Ibid., See page numbers referenced.
[5] J. I. Packer, Knowing God, (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Books, 1973), p. 33.
[6] Donald C. Stamps, “The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture,” Fire Bible: Global Study Edition, New International Version, ed. Donald C. Stamps, (Springfield, Missouri: Life Publishers International, 1990), p. 2360.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Donald C. Stamps, “The Old Testament Law,” Fire Bible: Global Study Edition, New International Version, ed. Donald C. Stamps, (Springfield, Missouri: Life Publishers International, 1990), pp. 160-161.

The 2018 Election – Another pivotal moment in America’s history and destiny

History is littered with pivotal moments in which the trajectory of a people, a nation, or the world has been decided. Perhaps no single event contains more of those decisive moments than World War II. In both scale and long-term impact, this war was perhaps the greatest event in history that determined the direction and fate of the world. Those decisive moments include the dramatic rescue of 300,000 British and other Allied soldiers from the beaches at Dunkirk during a ten day period in late May and early June 1940. This was soon followed by the Battle of Britain fought in the skies above England during the summer and fall of 1940. The Battle of Midway in the Pacific Ocean in June 1942 and the capture and defense of Guadalcanal in late 1942 were two more. And of course the greatest defining moment of World War II was the Allies successful invasion of Europe on D-Day, June 6, 1944. The failure of the Allies at any one of these junctures would likely have re-written the outcome of the war and the future of the free world.

Os Guinness has described another of those pivotal moments playing out in the Christian West in his book, Impossible People – Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization.

Christians in the West are living in a grand clarifying moment. The gap between Christians and the wider culture is widening, and many formerly nominal Christians are becoming “religious nones”…

We face a solemn hour for humanity at large and a momentous showdown for the Western church. At stake is the attempted completion of the centuries-long assault on the Jewish and Christian faiths and their replacement by progressive secularism as the defining faith of the West and the ideology said to be the best suited to the conditions of advanced modernity. The gathering crisis is therefore about nothing less than a struggle for the soul of the West…[1]

The battlefield upon which this grand clarifying moment is played out is the culture wars between the pervasive liberal/progressive forces mostly aligned with Satan’s master plan for humanity and the shrinking numbers of Americans who still adhere to the Christian worldview of reality.

How did the church allow the nation to get into this situation? A large part of the short answer is that American evangelical churches over the last 50 years have virtually abandoned the public square and have become weak and powerless in the process. Large portions of the evangelical church appear to have forgotten that Satan is attempting to destroy the church through the destruction of the Christian culture of America and all of Western civilization. He and his evil empire oppose righteousness, weaken the church through compromise, debauch the truth of God’s word in the minds of men, and pollute the land with a vile stream of wickedness that is flowing into every facet of life.

Just before the election in 2016, I wrote in the following words in anticipation that the election would be one of those pivotal moments in the nation’s history.

One aspect of this grand clarifying moment for Christians will occur as Americans go to the polls in in the November elections. The results will be more than a minor historical footnote and promises to be a pivotal event in deciding the direction of the nation and ultimately Western civilization.[2]

Given the course of events since the 2016 election, it appears the surprising and miraculous outcome of that election was of even greater importance than could have been imagined at that time. It also appears that another pivotal moment was again present in the 2018 election. Many people have mixed emotions about the results of the recent election. However, the election results were a significant if incomplete victory for those of the Christian faith. Although control of the House of Representatives was lost for the next two years, the retention and expansion of the majority in the Senate was vastly more important for the nation in the long-term given the importance of the judicial confirmations that will occur.

The nation is in a cycle in which evil abounds, and it is critical for Christians to fight the good fight of faith in every election. That is the price we pay for freedom, both religious and otherwise. It appears that our national elections for the foreseeable future will continue to be pivotal moments. This is occurring because the nation has spent its reserves of moral capital and the voiceless church has little cultural authority and suasion to turn the tide of immorality and spiritual degeneration.

Knowing this, Guinness believes that Christians must once again become those who in the eyes of the world are “impossible people” with

…hearts that can melt with compassion, but with faces like flint and backbones of steel who are unmanipulable, unbribable, undeterrable and unclubbable (i.e., coercion through comfortable conformity), without ever losing the gentleness, the mercy, the grace and the compassion of our Lord.[3]

Perhaps the best advice for the church in this troublesome age comes from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. First, he makes certain that we understand who the real enemy is that Christians are battling. Then, he instructs the Christian on how to prepare for battle.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. [Ephesians 6:12-13. NIV]

In his commentary, Donald Stamps gives our modern minds further insight into what Paul is saying. Satan and a host of evil spirits are the spiritual rulers of the world. They empower ungodly men and women to oppose God’s will and attack believers. They form a “vast multitude and are organized into a highly systematized empire of evil…” [4] The church must confront this evil empire and does so by putting on the whole armor of God (see Ephesians 6:12-17). And when the battle is heated and defeat seems near at hand, having done all, the Church must continue to stand. It can do so because that itinerate preacher who trod the hills and valleys of ancient Palestine two thousand years ago really was the Son of God, and His kingdom will never fail.

So clothed and armed, Christians can and must boldly speak out as well as take actions to engage every facet of society for the cause of Christ: (1) in the halls of government and law, (2) in education from kindergarten through graduate school, (3) in science and medicine,(4) in business, economics, and places of commerce, (5) in the media, (6) in the arts and entertainment, and (7) and in a host of other areas of the public arena.

Charles Finney was the renowned leader of the second half of the Second Great Awakening in the middle third of the nineteenth century. His instructions regarding the body of Christ’s involvement in both politics and religion are indisputable and should be embraced by both church leaders and the laity.

Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God. It seems sometimes as if the foundations of the nation were becoming rotten, and Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you, he does see it, and he will bless or curse this nation, according to the course they take.[5]

Whether the church wins or loses elections as it does battle for the cause of Christ in the culture wars is not the issue. We must remember that the church is the body of Christ, and each and every member of the body has a duty to fight. John Quincy Adams said it best, “Duty is ours; results are God’s.”[6]

Larry G. Johnson


[1] Os Guinness, Impossible People – Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization, (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Books, 2016), p. 22.
[2] Larry G. Johnson, “The Church Triumphant – Part I,” November 4, 2016.
[3] Guinness, Impossible People – Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization, pp. 31-32.
[4] Donald C. Stamps, Study Notes and Articles, The Full Life Study Bible – New Testament, King James Version, gen. ed. Donald C. Stamps, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1990), p.439.
[5] Charles Finney, Lecture XV “Hindrances to Revival” (Revival Lectures, 1855), quoted by Bill Federer, “When did duty cease being a virtue?” WMD, October 20, 2018. (accessed November 9, 2018).
[6] Bill Federer, “When did duty cease being a virtue?” WMD, October 20, 2018. (accessed November 9, 2018).

Oh!? It’s a matter of sanitation and not murder – The Gosnell Movie

In recognition of the national release of Gosnell – the Movie chronicling the discovery, prosecution, and incarceration of America’s biggest serial killer, this is the second article reposted which was originally published May 10, 2013 on

Dr. Kermit Gosnell was the west Philadelphia abortionist whose clinic was described in a 2011 Grand Jury report as a “house of horrors.”

The 281-page report described how Gosnell and his staff regularly delivered full-term babies whom they then killed by “snipping” their spinal cords with scissors. Hundreds of infants were dispatched in this way. Despite numerous complaints to the state health department about the clinic conditions, Gosnell’s filthy abortion mill went without an inspection for sixteen years.[1]

Following the Grand Jury’s findings, Gosnell was charged with seven counts of first-degree murder (reduced to 4 counts at trial) and one count of third-degree murder, as well as infanticide (dismissed at trial). The non-murder charges included 24 counts of violating Pennsylvania’s Abortion Act by performing illegal third-trimester abortions, 227 counts of violating a 24-hour waiting-period requirement, failing to counsel patients, and racketeering. On May 13, 2013, (three days after “Oh!? It’s only a matter of sanitation and not murder” was published), Gosnell was given three life sentences without possibility of parole.

Along the way, the story became about more than Gosnell himself. It became about the media blackout of his trial. A famous photo of the courtroom was circulated that showed rows of seats reserved for the press, empty. Apparently, the trial of an abortionist who had murdered born-alive infants wasn’t a story newsrooms wanted to cover—at least until they were guilted into it. All of this is why this movie is so important. And wait till you hear how it was funded. Almost 30,000 people donated to the Indiegogo campaign to make the film. In total, the producers raised over $2.3 million, making it the most successful campaign in Indiegogo’s history.

But, the project has faced serious opposition. The film’s distributors faced a libel lawsuit in 2015 that delayed its release for three years. Finally, five years after Gosnell was sentenced, the movie is hitting theaters.[2]

This article is also written in memory of the nameless millions of aborted babies known only to God.

Oh!? It’s a matter of sanitation and not murder – May 10, 2013

You may have followed the information (if you were able to find it in main stream media) flowing from the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortion clinic operator accused of murdering a woman and seven babies born alive. I first wrote about Gosnell and Planned Parenthood on April 12, 2013 (See Archives: “Postcard from Hell”[3]). In that article I referred to the testimony of Alisa LaPolt Snow, the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates lobbyist, regarding a bill before the Florida legislature that would require abortionists to provide medical care to an infant who survives an abortion. In response to being asked what would Planned Parenthood do if a live baby were born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, Snow replied, “We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.”[4] With regard to her callus comment I said that, “Apart from lack of sanitation and improper licensing, Planned Parenthood would have little to no issues with Dr. Gosnell’s methods and decision-making process with regard to killing a live baby.” [emphasis added]

Referring to the heart-breaking and disturbing facts that occurred at the Philadelphia abortion clinic, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) attempted to have the Senate pass a sense of the Senate resolution that would have condemned illegal abortion practices. The resolution stated:

Congress has the responsibility to investigate and conduct hearings on abortions performed near, at, or after viability in the United States, public policies regarding such, and evaluate the extent to which such abortions involve violations of the natural right to life of infants who are born alive or are capable of being born alive, and therefore are entitled to equal protection under the law.[5]

Given the facts coming out of the Philadelphia trial, it would appear that no reasonable person could object to Senator Lee’s resolution. However, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) have found a way. A favorite ploy of Congressional Democrats is to resort to obfuscation in blocking solutions for problems when those solutions are in conflict with their interests and agenda and those of their allies. The issue is effectively muddled by enlarging the problem and then seeking “comprehensive” solutions instead of addressing the pressing issue of the moment. One example of this Democratic obfuscation is illegal immigration in which securing America’s borders is ignored or marginalized in favor of making it a part of a larger solution in dealing with “undocumented aliens.”[6]

Senator Blumenthal employed this tactic to defeat Senator Lee’s resolution and propose his own resolution which states that all “incidents of abusive, unsanitary, or illegal health care practices should be condemned and prevented and the perpetrators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”[7]

Senator Lee sees clearly that the problem is immediate and of such compelling nature as to require Congressional action…it is about murdering born alive babies. But Notice Blumenthal’s subtle footwork. For the Senator, it is not about murder but “abusive, unsanitary, or illegal health care practices.” Yes, murder is abusive and illegal, but it can never be labeled a health care practice. It appears that Congressional Democrats, like their ally Planned Parenthood, cannot distinguish between abusive, unsanitary, or illegal health care practices and murder of born alive babies. While Congressional Democrats obfuscate and dither, little human beings are being killed.

Triage is a medical term. It means the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims to reflect the urgency of the patient’s need in order to maximize the number of survivors. The culture wars rage and both born and unborn babies are battle victims dying in America’s abortion mills. Senator Lee’s proposal pointed to the urgency of the need in order to maximize the number of survivors. But for Congressional Democrats, murdering born alive babies does not rise to the level requiring triage. It is part of a larger problem that must be investigated, mulled, discussed, considered…ad infinitum. Meanwhile, millions of little babies will never see their first birthday.

Larry G. Johnson


[1] John Stonestreet, “Gosnell – The Movie,” Breakpoint Daily from the Colson Center, October 10, 2018. (accessed 10-12-18).
[2] Ibid.
[3] Larry G. Johnson, “Oh!? It’s a matter of sanitation and not murder,”, May 10, 2013.
[4] John McCormack, “Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion,” Weekly (accessed October 13, 2018). [The original source was no longer available.]
[5] Dr. Susan Berry, “Sen. Mike Lee resolves to address “Gosnell-type” abortion crime,” Brietbart News, May 6, 2013 (accessed May 10, 2013).
[6] “Blumenthal Delivers Floor Speech Objecting To Senator Lee’s Abortion Resolution, Introduces Broader Resolution Condemning Criminal Acts And Malpractice In All Health Care Settings” Richard Blumenthal, United States Senator – Connecticut, May 8, 2013. (accessed May 10, 2013).
[7] Ibid.

Postcard from Hell – The Gosnell Movie

In recognition of the national release of Gosnell – the Movie chronicling the discovery, prosecution, and incarceration of America’s biggest serial killer, the article posted April 12, 2013 on is being posted again.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell was the west Philadelphia abortionist whose clinic was described in a 2011 Grand Jury report as a “house of horrors.”

The 281-page report described how Gosnell and his staff regularly delivered full-term babies whom they then killed by “snipping” their spinal cords with scissors. Hundreds of infants were dispatched in this way. Despite numerous complaints to the state health department about the clinic conditions, Gosnell’s filthy abortion mill went without an inspection for sixteen years.[1]

Following the Grand Jury’s findings, Gosnell was charged with seven counts of first-degree murder (reduced to 4 counts at trial) and one count of third-degree murder, as well as infanticide (dismissed at trial). The non-murder charges included 24 counts of violating Pennsylvania’s Abortion Act by performing illegal third-trimester abortions, 227 counts of violating a 24-hour waiting-period requirement, failing to counsel patients, and racketeering. On May 13, 2013, thirty-one days after the following article was written, Gosnell was given three life sentences without possibility of parole.

Along the way, the story became about more than Gosnell himself. It became about the media blackout of his trial. A famous photo of the courtroom was circulated that showed rows of seats reserved for the press, empty. Apparently, the trial of an abortionist who had murdered born-alive infants wasn’t a story newsrooms wanted to cover—at least until they were guilted into it. All of this is why this movie is so important. And wait till you hear how it was funded. Almost 30,000 people donated to the Indiegogo campaign to make the film. In total, the producers raised over $2.3 million, making it the most successful campaign in Indiegogo’s history.

But, the project has faced serious opposition. The film’s distributors faced a libel lawsuit in 2015 that delayed its release for three years. Finally, five years after Gosnell was sentenced, the movie is hitting theaters.[2]

This article is also written in memory of the nameless millions of aborted babies known only to God.

Postcard from Hell – April 12, 2013

“It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place…I felt like a fireman in hell. I couldn’t put out all the fires.” [emphasis added] These are the words of Steven Massof, one of the employees in an abortion clinic operated by Dr. Kermit Gosnell, describing the busy times when the women were given drugs to induce contractions all at once. Gosnell is on trial this week for killing seven children and a young mother in a filthy, blood-splattered clinic near Philadelphia.[3]

The babies had the misfortune to be born live in Gosnell’s clinic staffed in part by teenagers posing as licensed anesthetists. The bodies of the tiny victims were stored in a freezer in the basement of the clinic. Massof admitted that killing babies born alive was standard procedure at the clinic. He estimated that at least 100 babies were born alive in the clinic and had their necks snipped, but the beheadings were so routine that no one could determine the exact number.[4]

Generally, such stories of horrific tragedies would be meat for the media grinder. However, you probably have not heard much if any reports from the great majority of news media. But thanks to the Family Research Council and other conservative organizations and leaders, the story which the media have ignored or censored is gaining some attention.

Sherry West was another long-time employee of the clinic. She testified that she called the babies specimens “because it was easier to deal with mentally.” West recalled one incident of a “screaming baby that really freaked me out…I can’t describe it. It sounded like a little alien.” She estimated the baby to have been between 18 and 24 inches long, one of the largest she had seen during abortion procedures at the Women’s Medical Society clinic operated by Dr. Gosnell at that time.[5]

Perhaps you will recall President Clinton’s statement that abortions in America should be “safe, legal, and rare.” But his statement is just political sop to pacify the squeamish. The same sop to hide abortion’s grisly reality was used by Alisa LaPolt Snow, the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates lobbyist, in her testimony regarding a bill before the Florida legislature that would require abortionists to provide medical care to an infant who survives an abortion. In response to being asked what would Planned Parenthood do if a live baby were born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, Snow replied, “We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.”[6]

Effectively, Planned Parenthood would leave the life or death decisions to the Dr. Gosnells of the world with regard to babies born alive after a botched abortion. Certainly the mother is in no emotional or physical shape to make a thoughtful and rational decision, and it is extremely unlikely that the doctor would consult the mother’s family (generally not present anyway) as the baby is lying on the table and struggling for life. Apart from lack of sanitation and improper licensing, Planned Parenthood would have little to no issues with Dr. Gosnell’s methods and decision-making process with regard to killing a live baby.

After January 22, 1973, the lives of unborn babies were no longer sacrosanct in America but placed in the hands of the deciders following the dictates of man’s law. It is estimated that over fifty two million abortions have fallen victim to man’s law in America from January 1973 through the end of 2008. These estimates came from direct surveys of abortionists by the Guttmacher Institute, once a research affiliate of Planned Parenthood. The number of abortions per day, if an average were calculated for the entire thirty-six year period, is over 3,900. This average number of abortions per day exceeds by over one thousand the number of lives lost in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.[7]

Numbers and statistics are sterile things and do not convey the horror of a single abortion as shown above. Euphemisms, platitudes, and legal arguments about rights, privacy, and choice attempt to soften the picture or divert our attention from the horror surrounding the abortion of an unborn child.

Legalized abortion was the wedge used to split open the historic Western commitment to the dignity of human life.[8] Now the humanist defenders of abortion continue attempts to drive the wedge deeper by sanctioning the taking of innocent life which effectively dispenses with concerns as to when human life begins. Thus, the abortionists’ coveted right of choice is attempting to move across the line from abortion to infanticide. Doubters only need to listen to the testimony of Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Alisa LaPolt Snow.

Many scientists and academics would not stop at aborting babies born alive as the result of a botched abortion. Some such as Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner for discovering the double helix in DNA, support screening newborns. For Crick, those that fail to meet certain health standards would be euthanized. Peter Singer, Princeton’s DeCamp Professor of Bioethics, believes that parents ought to be allowed to kill their disabled children. His reasoning is “…that they are ‘nonpersons’ until they are rational and self-conscious.” Singer extends his reasoning to the “…killing of incompetent persons of any age if their families decide their lives are ‘not worth living’.” Some would scoff that Crick’s and Singer’s opinions are extreme and would never gain cultural acceptance. However, legalized abortion in America was also once thought extreme by most Americans.[9]

Under the aegis of a majority of nine people on the United States Supreme Court, abortion became a choice in 1973, and unborn babies suddenly became mere fetal tissue with potentiality for human life. Contrast the Supreme Court’s decision and humanism’s convoluted defenses of abortion through fictitious rights and irrational moralizing about choice with the words of the Psalmist:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body, and knit them together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it. You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion! You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book! [Psalm 139:13-16. Living Bible]

Larry G. Johnson

[1] John Stonestreet, “Gosnell – The Movie,” Breakpoint Daily from the Colson Center, October 10, 2018. (accessed 10-12-18).
[2] Ibid.
[3] “At Gosnell trial, Del. woman testifies scene ‘freaked me out,”, April 9, 2013. (accessed April 10, 2013). [The archives of this source as if the date of republication of this article are presently accessible only with a paid subscription.]
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] John McCormack,” Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion,” Weekly (accessed October 13, 2018).
[7] Larry G. Johnson, Ye shall be as gods – Humanism and Christianity – The Battle for Supremacy in the American Cultural Vision, (Owasso, Oklahoma: Anvil House Publishers, 2011), p. 344.
[8] Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey, How Now Shall We Live? (Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.,
1999), p 120.
[9] Johnson, Ye shall be as gods, pp. 350-351.